Importance of Large Language Models

A large language model or LLM is an artificial intelligence model that is trained on a massive dataset to enable a particular AI system to understand, translate, and generate human language. This model is important in the advanced applications of natural language processing or NLP. Take note that there are even specific AI systems based on advanced large language models that can provide human-like responses and full-blown human-like conversations.

Understanding the Importance of Large Language Models in Advancing the Field of Artificial Intelligence and Practical AI Applications

Large language models or LLMs are considered advanced AI models. They are trained on a massive dataset of text and code that enable them to understand the statistical relationships between words and phrases, while also having a deeper understanding of the nature of verbal human communication. Specific subfields of AI such as deep learning and artificial neural networks have been utilized to train LLMs that are used in practical applications. The importance of LLMs centers on their role in advancing further the field of AI and its practical applications. Take note of the following reasons why large language models are important:

1. Powering the Advanced Applications of Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing or NLP is a subfield of AI that aims to equip computer systems, including hardware and software systems, with the ability to understand and produce written texts and spoken words in a manner that is similar to the capabilities of humans to communicate using written and spoken words and languages.

The advanced applications of NLP are evident in various digital products or digital services. These include web search engines, generative AI applications such as AI chatbots and AI copilots,  digital assistants that can be interfaced with text inputs or voice commands, and advanced language translation applications. These applications are made possible through the training and implementation of large language models.

Nevertheless, based on the aforementioned, advancing NLP or developing high-level NLP applications would not be possible without large AI models trained on massive datasets of texts and codes. LLMs are at the heart of modern NLP applications. It is also important to note that advancing NLP is critical in advancing AI.

An editorial from Nature Biomedical Engineering published in 2023 mentioned that the rapid proliferation of general-purpose large-language models is certain and that these models would change different industries over time. The generative AI applications made possible through advanced LLMs could contribute to a 7 percent global increase in GDP according to American multinational investment bank Goldman Sachs.

2. Developing and Implementing Practical Language-Based User Interfaces

Modern computers such as personal computers and smartphones are still based on a graphical user interface. Graphical or visual guides will still become the default mode of interaction between humans and computers. However, considering the advances in AI, most modern computers are also equipped with NLP capabilities. This is evident from their built-in digital assistants and sophisticated voice command responses.

There are certain scenarios and use cases that would require language-based inputs. This is where the importance of large language models comes into the picture. Developing and deploying advanced LLMs can help in creating and designing user interfaces that support advanced language-based human-computer interaction.

An example of a use case that requires NLP for human-computer interaction is advanced computer systems in modern vehicles. Voice commands are useful for hands-free inputs. Smart devices such as smart speakers and smart appliances have relied on voice commands for user interfacing. The deployment of large language models essentially provides novel and practical ways for humans to interact with computer systems.

Most consumer electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets are also equipped with voice recognition capabilities and software applications that accept voice commands and voice conversions. Developing more advanced LLMs can improve these existing features further and benefit general users and those with special needs due to disabilities

3. Evolving Artificial Intelligence Leading to Artificial General Intelligence

Artificial General Intelligence or AGI is the ultimate goal of artificial intelligence as a field. This hypothetical AI system is envisioned to have human-like intelligence. Experts have assumed that it would be capable of performing a range of cognitive or intellectual tasks such as advanced independent learning and complex reasoning or problem-solving.

Systems with natural language processing capabilities due to their large language models have been demonstrating moderate-level intelligence capabilities such as reasoning and planning. In addition, apart from spearheading the emergence of practical artificial intelligence applications, large language models can be used to train other AI models, develop new AI algorithms, collect and analyze data, and generate new data based on input data.

LLMs are still considered stochastic parrots that are incapable of introspection. Some have noted that LLMs like the GPT-4 model from OpenAI have demonstrated some AGI characteristics. The rise of autonomous AI agents capable of self-prompting and independent reasoning also provides a preview of what AGI will be like in the future.

Nevertheless, based on the above, the importance of large language models as far as the development of AGI is concerned centers on their role in equipping an AI system with verbal communication capabilities that are on par with the communication abilities of humans. Ongoing research involving the development of LLMs also helps in the development of new techniques, algorithms, models, and even hardware that can advance AI further.


  • Goldman Sachs Research. 2023. “Generative AI Could Raise Global GDP By 7%.” Goldman Sachs Research. Goldman Sachs. Available online
  • Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2023. “Prepare For Truly Useful Large Language Models.” Biomed. Eng. 7(2): 85-86. DOI: 10.1038/s41551-023-01012-6