Elements of Apple Events: Inside Its Event Strategy

Elements of Apple Events: Inside Its Event Strategy

Staging events are an important part of the marketing strategy of Apple. The company holds several events in a particular year. The most common ones are the product-focused Apple Events and the partner-oriented Worldwide Developers Conference. Nevertheless, considering the media mileage and public attention each event received, Apple has been considered one of the few companies that have mastered event marketing.

Understanding the Elements of Apple Events: Exploring How Apple Has Succeeded in Using Event Marketing as a Central Part of its Promotion Strategy

The event strategy of Apple has provided other tech companies and even non-tech companies with a blueprint on how to promote products with minimal advertising. It can even be considered one of the valuable contributions of the company in tech. Take note that these Apple events are launchpads for introducing new products or delivering product-related and general company announcements. Each event gets a significant amount of publicity that is enough to generate interest among its target market and existing pool of loyal customers. Nevertheless, understanding why the event strategy of Apple is successful requires understanding the elements that make each event effective. The following are elements that make Apple events:

1. Leveraging Established Branding

A product launch event would not be successful if the company did not have a brand recall or relevant brand reputation. Hence, in considering its event strategy, one of the critical elements of Apple events is that these occasions are carried out in consideration of the established brand name of the company. The company would not benefit from this promotional activity if it has weak branding or has negative overall corporate reputation.

The company essentially leverages its brand equity to make its events effective and successful. The established Apple brand or the reputation of products such as the iPhone and MacBook helps in creating excitement about upcoming product refreshes or the introduction of new generations. The company also has a reputation for introducing practical technological applications. This helps in creating buzz and getting people to talk about anticipated products.

2. Suitable Event Timing

Apple stages its events at regular intervals throughout the year. Common months when Apple events are held are March, June, September, and October or November. The timing of a particular event is aligned with seasonal demands for product categories, consumption patterns in the market, the behavior of its competitors, the situation of the overall retail market, and the greater trend in the tech and consumer electronics market.

Events held in September or October and November, for example, help Apple prepare for the upcoming boom in retail sales due to the Black Friday Sale on Thanksgiving in North America and the Christmas season beginning in December and lasting until the first week of January. Those held in March or June give other products time to shine on their own without competing against products launched for the end-year retail boom.

3. Credible and Engaging Presenters

Steve Jobs used to be the sole presenter at all Apple events. However, after he passed on and when Tim Cook became the new chief executive, each event involves notable Apple personnel as presenters. A particular personnel is considered an expert in a particular area. This gives a particular event segment and presentation credibility while also allowing the public to get to know the people behind the company and its products.

Of course, it is not enough for its presenters to be credible or convey a sense of authority and subject-matter expertise. They also need to be listenable and engaging. The company trains its presenters to be effective public speakers. This is evident from the fact that each person who walks on the stage and presents a particular product or makes a specific announcement can transfer his or her excitement and enthusiasm to the audience.

4. Anticipation and Dramatic Reveal

It is also worth mentioning that Apple is a master buzz marketer. Each of its upcoming events gets a considerable amount of attention among media and individual reporters, online tech influencers, consumer electronics enthusiasts, and loyal customers. The company leverages its established brand reputation and its strong brand equity to create anticipation around its Apple events. An upcoming event is guaranteed to generate hype.

The company is also secretive but releases cryptic teasers and intentional leaks to fuel the hype further and generate buzz. Nevertheless, during the event proper, a particular presenter builds up suspense and excitement before unveiling a new product or delivering a critical announcement. This dramatic reveal helps in keeping its audience engaged while also giving reporters and online influencers something to highlight about their coverage.

5. Clear and Simple Language

Another important element of Apple events and one of the reasons why its event strategy has remained effective is its use of straightforward language. Presenters focus on explaining the features and benefits of the products in a way that anyone can understand rather than drowning the listeners with jargon or technical words. Even the sentences and phrases used during a particular presentation are devoid of complex and complicated structures.

The company uses adjectives and adverbs or other descriptive words to describe a new product feature or to compare how the new product differs from the older one and its competitors. A particular presenter also uses expressive words and phrases that create vivid images or sounds in the mind of the listener. Lines such as “the most powerful MacBook we have created” and “the most advanced processor in the world” are some notable examples.

6. Maximizing Coverage and Buzz

It is important to reiterate the fact that Apple events are promotional activities intended to push a new product or a particular marketing message to the target market and existing pool of loyal consumers. This means that each event should get as much mileage as possible. This involves Apple inviting mainstream media organizations, notable tech reporters, and famous online influencers who would publish content around a particular event.

The company also uses other promotional activities to supplement its events or retain the buzz a particular event has generated. This involves sending the media, reporters, or influencers with review products or inviting them for hands-on experience with an upcoming product. Apple places a publication embargo to avoid pre-empting and then gives these creators the go-signal to publish their content several days after an event has concluded.